Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS)
MPLAD Scheme
Ministry: Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation
About MPLAD scheme:
Launched in December, 1993
It provides a mechanism for the Members of Parliament to recommend works of developmental nature for creation of durable community assets and for provision of basic facilities including community infrastructure, based on locally felt needs
Salient features:
- MPLADS is a centrally-sponsored plan scheme fully funded by the government of India under which funds are released in the form of grants in-aid directly to the district authorities.
- Works, developmental in nature, based on locally felt needs and always available for the use of the public at large, are eligible under the scheme.
- Preference under the scheme is given to works relating to national priorities, such as provision of drinking water, public health, education, sanitation, roads, etc.
- The funds released under the scheme are non-lapsable. Funds not released in a particular year is carried forward to the subsequent years, subject to eligibility.
- The MPs have a recommendatory role under the scheme. They recommend their choice of works to the concerned district authorities who implement these works by following the established procedures of the concerned state government.
- The District authority is empowered to examine the eligibility of works sanction funds and select the implementing agencies, prioritise works, supervise overall execution, and monitor the scheme at the ground level.
- The district authorities get the works executed through the line departments, local self-governments or other government agencies. In some cases, the district authorities get the works executed through reputed non-government organisations.
- The Lok Sabha Members can recommend works in their respective constituencies.
- The elected members of the Rajya Sabha can recommend works anywhere in the state from which they are elected.
- Nominated members of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha may select works for implementation anywhere in the country.
- For the year 2016-17 to 2017-18, total number of 74 works for Rs. 291.07 Lacs have been sanctioned till September, 2018 from MPLADS fund.
- It has resulted into creation of various durable community assets which have impacted the social, cultural and economic life of the local communities in one way or the other.
Title |
Size |
Detail |
mpladsguidelines2016english_638_0.pdf |
1.62 MB |
MP 2014-15 |
1.02 MB |
MP 2015-16 |
939.77 KB |
MP 2016-17 |
736.45 KB |
MP 2017-18 |
685.64 KB |
MP 2018-19 |
487.32 KB |