Police & Fire Service

Last Updated on: August 07, 2024

Police & Fire Service

SP Office Contact Number (03842) 245866
Residence Phone Number (03842) 245057
FAX Number (03842) 231525

Police Control Room

(03842) 248744

e-mail- sp-cachar[at]assampolice[dot]gov[dot]in


Other G.Os./C.Is.:


Addl. S.P. (HQ)

(03842) 245860 (O), 237398 (R)

Addl. S.P. (Border), Silchar

(03842) 231436 (O)

Dy.S.P. (HQ), Silchar

(03842) 245869 (O), 266607 (R)

Dy. S.P. (B), Silchar

(03842) 231436 (O)

Dy. S.P. (B), Silchar

(03842) 231436 (O)

Dy.S.P. (DSB), Silchar

(03842) 245873 (O)

SDPO, Lakhipur

(03842) 287536 (O)

Dy. S.P. (Communication), Silchar

(03842) 245872 (O)

C.I. (East), Udharbond

(03842) 281570 (O)

C.I. (West), Silchar


Traffic Inspector

(03842) 246336 (O)

P.I. Silchar Court

(03842) 247101 (O)

Name of the Police Station / Out Post :



Name of the Police Station


1. Silchar

(03842) 246279/246214

2. Borkhola

(03842) 286433

3. Katigorah

(03845) 268175

4. Dholai

(03842) 258422

5. Sonai

(03842) 274424

6. Lakhipur

(03842) 287425

7. Udharbond

(03842) 281424

8. Jirighat

(03842) 289517

9. Annapurnaghat (R/PS)



Name of the OutPost


1. Tarapur TOP

(03842) 245846

2. Majugram TOP

(03842) 262173

3. Rangirkhari TOP

(03842) 225067

4. Palong ghat

(03842) 272436

5. Kachudaram

(03842) 250001

6. Joypur

(03842) 271563

7. Arunachal

(03842) 278252

8. Kumbhirgram


9. Ghungur





Fire Brigade (Control No.) - 220101


No. of Districtwise Registered and 
Un-registered V.D.Parties


No. of Regd V.D.Ps.


No. of Un-Regd V.D.Ps.




Fire Service Station in Cachar District


Fire Service Station & Phone No.

About Fire & Emergency Services, Assam
The Assam Fire Service Organization came into existence by taking over and merging the Fire Stations belonging to the Municipal Boards of Shillong & Silchar by the State Govt. of Assam in the year 1956. The Organization was headed by an S.P. rank Officers known as the State Fire Service Adviser. Later, the department was headed by Officers of the rank of the ADGP with designation as the Addl. Director General of Police & Director, State Fire Service Organization, Assam.

The State Fire Service Organization has been renamed as “Fire & Emergency Services, Assam” w.e.f. 07-01-2013 as per Govt. Notification No. LGL.56/2012/13 dated 07-01-2013.

Aims & Objectives of Fire & Emergency  Services, Assam

  • Fire Fighting in case of fire accidents.
  • To save life & property of all citizens in case of fire hazards and in other natural calamities.
  • Fire prevention & protection of all buildings, industries, commercial & public places etc.
  • Inspection of all high-rise buildings & other establishments & assess their Fire preventiveness & preparedness & effectiveness of fire fighting equipments installed by the owners from time to time.
  • Law & order duty with local police at Mela or any large-scale meetings & functions.
  • To raise public awareness and conduct periodical training program from time to time and to organize demonstrations showing rescue operation during the fire & other natural calamities etc. to educate the general public.
  • Arrangements of fire coverage at the time of visits of the V.V.I.Ps of the Country and outside as well as other dignitaries as per direction of the State Government.
  • The S.F.S.O., Assam has a training institute known as “Regional Training Centre” which is recognized by the National Fire Services College, Nagpur. The Regional Training Centre imparts training to the trainees of the various states of the Country besides our own recruits as allowed and allotted by the D.G.C.D., Ministry of Home Affairs & National Fire Services College, Nagpur.